How Can Genetic Testing at Home Help with Mental Health?

It may surprise you to learn how frequent mental health problems are. You may carry a risk for conditions like schizophrenia, Alzheimer’s, and other cognitive disorders without manifesting any relevant symptoms. 

Additionally, individuals may develop issues such as anxiety, depression, OCD, and eating disorders, which can all have an impact on their daily productivity and quality of life. Many mental illnesses are also passed on genetically. 

If your family has a history of mental disorders, you could be at a high risk of suffering from something similar. Understanding the early signs and schizophrenia symptoms can be crucial in seeking timely intervention and support. This is where genetic testing can be helpful. 

This blog will elaborate on some benefits of genetic testing and explain its importance in accessing targeted mental healthcare.

What is genetic testing?

Genetic testing studies genes, proteins, and chromosomes for activity levels, mutations, and changes. This helps determine an individual’s chances of developing a genetic disorder or confirm/rule out a genetic condition. 

Genetic testing is also not exclusive to hospitals. You can efficiently conduct genetic testing at home using the various tests available over the counter or online.

The first step of genetic testing at home is to take a sample. The test kit will usually contain a sterilized swab. This should be brushed against the inside of your cheek for 60 seconds to collect a cheek tissue sample. Some tests may also use a saliva or blood sample.

This sample is then sent to the lab, where it can be tested for specific genes linked to mental health disorders. You will receive the reports home in a few weeks.

Benefits of genetic testing for your mental health

Genetic testing can reveal information about many different conditions influenced by genetic mutations. You can leverage your genetic report to make lifestyle changes and stay healthy.

Early detection

As with any illness, the earlier a mental disorder is diagnosed, the easier it is to treat and control.

Patients who remain undiagnosed usually see their health slowly worsen and suffer, resulting in social setbacks. 

For example, patients may find performing well at their jobs increasingly challenging. This could lead to a state of unemployment and a loss of income. A loss of livelihood can have devastating consequences, such as individuals being unable to access the required treatment.

Early detection helps avoid this and gives patients more control over their disease and its treatment. Treatment in the early stages also costs less than treating an advanced version of the disease.

Prevention of mental illnesses

Realizing you have a genetic tendency for a specific mental disorder does not mean that you will develop it. A genetic report can help manage the risk and plan preventative care.

Sometimes, something as simple as making a dietary change could limit your exposure to mental illness.

For example, a diet rich in fresh fruits, berries, and omega-3 helps improve brain health. Similarly, remaining physically active and exercising regularly can benefit individuals at high risk of mental disorders.

Personalized treatment

Healthcare providers can also use information from your genetic reports to prescribe a treatment plan with the least potential for side effects. This reduces the need for trial and error and makes treatment more effective. 

Genetic reports can also help identify non-pharmaceutical ways to improve your health. Lifestyle changes can not only help decrease the risk of a mental disorder but also help treat the condition.

For example, let’s say you have been experiencing frequent mood swings and heightened anxiety, or you’ve been forgetting things more often than usual. Your genetic report may identify a higher-than-normal risk of mental disorders with similar symptoms. Receiving targeted mental healthcare can help deal with these symptoms and keep the condition under control.

Healthier families

Genetic testing plays an important role when you’re planning a family. Along with identifying your exposure to mental health conditions, it also identifies the presence of mutated genes that may be passed on to children. You can work with healthcare professionals to plan your family and reduce the impact of any disorders that may be inherited.

If you carry a gene variant that puts your unborn child at risk for disorders, you have the option to follow up your genetic test with prenatal genetic testing. This helps determine if the child has inherited a genetic mutation. With this information, counselors can help prepare you for any potential challenges associated with the mutated genes.

Personal empowerment

Genetic testing minimizes uncertainty and lets you make more informed decisions about your healthcare. A result that shows a low genetic risk reduces the need for additional screening and expensive tests. 

On the other hand, if a risk is identified, getting tested can make it easier for mental health patients to seek proper treatment.

Unfortunately, mental health issues are still often stigmatized. Many people see it as a result of personal weaknesses and poor choices. This can keep patients from seeking the care they need. 

However, genetic testing has the potential to change this outcome. It helps patients realize the biological causes of their condition and equips them with the confidence to consult a doctor.

Understanding your risk of mental disorders also empowers you to seek help through support groups. This gives you access to more resources and helps you better understand your condition. It also enables you to manage your health by connecting with individuals dealing with similar circumstances.

Conducting genetic testing at home

Today, several genetic testing kits are available in the market. Remember that it is vital to choose the right kit. Not all tests are exhaustive in their gene testing. Therefore, paying attention to the particulars being checked for mutations and abnormalities is wise.

Though pricing should not matter regarding your health, costs cannot be ignored. Therefore, it is advisable to go through what the test cost includes. 

Some testing services charge an additional fee for a detailed report. Lastly, but most importantly, ensure you get tested by professionals who keep your data secure and have built-in measures to destroy your DNA sample after it has been tested.

Summing it up

Performing genetic testing at home is an easy way to understand better your overall health and your risk of facing mental disorders in the future. 

They put you in control, and if you do find yourself at risk for an illness, they empower you to take preventative measures. This test and a few lifestyle changes could help you enjoy a longer, happier, and healthier life.